Quarantine Drum Covers!
Just writing today with a brief update. Like many musicians, I've struggled to cope with the complete disappearance of concerts, as a result of the pandemic. The one silver lining is that Lockdown Lifestyle has resulted in a lot of practice time, and that means a lot of drum covers! Check out my latest entry on the right, and please consider subscribing to my YouTube channel for future updates!
2020 Update!
Hey everyone! Sorry I do such an imperfect job keeping this page updated. If you want to stay on top of my latest news (and shows), hit that Instagram link above and to the right. It's been a busy start to the New Year, with tribute shows, session work, and a new gig playing for country/rock/pop artist Melissa Carter. Stay tuned also for new recordings in the metal vein from doom/sludge outfit Sundrowner and studio project Poisoned Chalice!